The LifeWisdom series is changing people’s lives. But don’t take our word for it. Listen to what our participants have to say…
Just over a year ago, I began learning the LifeWisdom series with a couple of friends. I was looking for a way to reach and inspire more Jews in my community and to reinvigorate my own love of Judaism and Jewish learning. Then a miracle happened! Really it was a series of miracles. First, I found the materials really resonated with my family, friends, chavrusos, Shabbos and Yom Tov guests and my chabura quickly went from 3 people on Wednesday nights to two different chaburas with more than 40 people learning regularly.
When I started the LifeWisdom series, my marriage of 26 years was in pretty rough shape. My wife and I both had our own work to do but it’s no exaggeration to say the LifeWisdom series on Love and Marriage played an important role in preserving and strengthening our marriage. One of my chaburas created a WhatsApp group called Virtue of the Day (VOTD) which helps us connect our learning to our most important relationships in a very practical way.
I am not exceptionally learned by any stretch of the imagination and no one will ever confuse me with a talmid chacham, but one of the most gratifying things I’ve seen in facilitating these groups is a strong desire by my chavrusos to actually look inside the texts referenced by the LifeWisdom classes, learn out what they say and what they mean and understand how they fit within the greater body of Jewish thought and learning.
Are you ready to transform the lives of your group?